Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, online, via Jitsi Meet.

Introduction to Qt

Date and Time

Wednesday, June 18, 2003 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm


MIT Building 1-190


Federico Lucifredi - flucifredi acm org


An introduction to graphical programming with Trolltech's Qt


An extended introduction to the basics of graphical user interface programming in Trolltech's Qt, beginning with the elegant architecture of the signal/slot system and the unparalleled code portability the toolkit permits. Qt is the Object-Oriented toolkit KDE is built upon, an application framework that permits almost complete code portability between all variants of Unix/Linux, Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X. Internationalization of applications is done transparently to the developer and is extremely simple in its implementation. In its continuing evolution, Qt has acquired classes enabling network access and direct Database connection and it permits the development of system-independent code to an extent never-seen before in C++ - and all this without any performance tradeoff. The speaker will cover the design and abstractions that characterize Qt, its troubled licensing history, and the new features incorporated in version 3.0. Some simple sample applications will extend the practical side of the digression, while extending it over geometry-management and widget layout, internationalization, networking and DB access.


Federico Lucifredi is The Ceph Storage Product Management Director at Red Hat, formerly the Ubuntu Server PM at Canonical, and the Linux "Systems Management Czar" at SUSE.

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